Support the grassroots movement accelerating nuclear energy expansion worldwide

Generation Atomic is a leading nuclear advocacy organization building the social and political support necessary for nuclear energy's expansion.

Through professional training, educational tools, and policy campaigns, we're changing the conversation around nuclear energy.

By building understanding and support for nuclear energy, we help create an environment where organizations, fellow advocates, and industry partners can accelerate progress together, reducing barriers and moving innovations from concept to deployment.


Megawatts of Nuclear Power Preserved


UN Climate Conferences


People Reached Across Social Media Platforms


Trained Nuclear Advocates Globally

Behind the Scenes Impact

Beyond our core programs, our team works tirelessly across multiple domains to advance nuclear energy. Here's a glimpse into our day-to-day efforts:

Community Engagement

  • Host community talks at libraries and state fairs
  • Film screenings and trivia nights
  • Banana stands at Pride Festivals and city celebrations
  • Annual nuclear symposium at NY Climate Week

Policy & Advocacy

  • Connect advocates with local hearings and town halls
  • Organize phone banking campaigns
  • State-by-state policy research
  • Build stakeholder coalitions

Public Relations

  • Break down complex policies and topics using our blog and social media platforms
  • Debunk misinformation with interactive tools
  • Promote and share other nuclear organization’s actions and efforts
  • Address nuclear misconceptions with news articles and Letters to the Editor


  • Develop STEM literacy materials
  • Train next-gen nuclear advocates
  • Create interactive advocacy tools
  • Host workshops for volunteers to develop their advocacy tools

What Our Community Says

Tyson Culver

Tyson Culver

Film Director

"My first encounter with Generation Atomic came after a screening of our film, Juice: How Electricity Explains The World, at NEI in 2019. It was there that I was fortunate enough to meet Eric Meyer, and since that day, both Eric and Generation Atomic have been instrumental in the work we do to help change the conversation about energy and power. "

Dr. Chris Keefer

Dr. Chris Keefer

Senior Editor, Decouple Media

"It is no exaggeration to state that Generation Atomic is what has enabled the Decouple podcast to thrive ... they have enabled us to report at the highest level on climate change by providing Blue Zone passes to Decouple Media journalists for IPCC COP events."

Meredith Angwin

Meredith Angwin

Author and Advocate

"After Generation Atomic was founded, there was a national group that pro-nuclear people could join. Plus, Generation Atomic immediately began arranging rallies, writing talking-points, being on the radio, and holding training sessions for advocates.... Generation Atomic knows how to make advocacy fun. Advocacy is hard work, but with Generation Atomic leadership, it isn't a slog. "

Nick Touran

Nick Touran, Manager, Digital Engineering, TerraPower

"Generation Atomic is the premier focal point for nuclear advocacy. I started out just helping with a few factoids and figures on the Tech Research team and ended up serving on the board alongside some of the smartest and most well connected leaders I've ever interacted with."

Shirly Rodriguez

Shirly Rodriguez

Nuclear Engineer

"With a strong technical background, my collaborations with Generation Atomic have empowered me to bridge the gap between the technical world and the public, making complex science accessible and relatable. From personal discussions to UN climate conferences, these experiences have given me the confidence to step into advocacy."

Jeremiah Mbazor

Jeremiah Mbazor

Nuclear Advocate & Researcher

"Generation Atomic has directly benefited Africa, Nigerian young generation in Nuclear, and StepUp nuclear... the advocacy and outreach activities wouldn't have been possible with out the great support of Generation Atomic. Greatest among them is the change in perception that has began to shift in favour of nuclear in the continent."

Partner With Us

Create Lasting Impact

Join us in advancing nuclear energy advocacy through strategic partnerships. We work with organizations and industry to:

  • Custom advocacy training programs
  • Co-branded educational initiatives
  • Support research and content development
Or mail your gift to:
Generation Atomic
1878 Pascal St.
Saint Paul, MN 55113