200 pro-nuclear environmentalists from over 15 countries united to celebrate nuclear power in Munich!
Written by Eric Meyer
November 2, 2018
Dear Friends,

The last month has been one of the most challenging and rewarding in most recent memory. With only six weeks to plan, we teamed up with dozens of volunteers to plan and execute Germany’s (and perhaps the world’s) first pro-nuclear power festival in a public square.
There was singing.

There was dancing.

There was hope for the future.

We expected protesters. What we got were people and families curious and hungry for solutions to climate change and environmental harm. We had 200 pro-nuclear participants from 15+ countries who took the opportunity to hand out bananas and flyers to draw people into the festival and start conversations about nuclear energy. It was incredible!
It was a fantastic experience to work with all the members of the Nuclear Pride Coalition. It just leaves one question — are you interested in coming to the next Nuclear Pride Fest?