If you have an idea for an article for the Generation Atomic magazine, then check out these guidelines: Relevance: Is your idea relevant…
Written by David Watson
February 22, 2019
If you have an idea for an article for the Generation Atomic magazine, then check out these guidelines:
- Relevance: Is your idea relevant to what we do? We are looking for original (although we do consider re-posts from elsewhere), personal stories about nuclear fission and clean energy that would connect with audiences who don’t normally read about energy issues. A techno-economic analysis of fast-breeder reactors would not be what we’re looking for, but stories about your father’s experience as a reactor operator or the nature reserve alongside your local nuclear plant might be. Stories that link nuclear to trending topics on Medium such as startups, entrepreneurship, blockchain, AI, basic income and futurism are also appreciated.
- Pitch: If you think you have a great idea, pitch it to us at david@generationatomic.org in no more than a few paragraphs. If we like it, we’ll get back to you with further editorial guidelines.
As this magazine is run by volunteers, we can’t offer payment for your work, but you retain the right to set your own content licensing and, if you submit through the Medium Partner Program, you will retain any gain earned through reader engagement.
Get pitchin’!