
Generation Atomic’s April Volunteer of the Month

Author: Mary Kloser

Volunteers are the backbone of Generation Atomic. Their dedication and passion help us to achieve our mission of a world powered by clean and reliable nuclear energy. Because of this, we will be highlighting one Volunteer of the Month each month.


Congratulations to Philip Hult, our Volunteer of the Month for April! Eric nominated Philip for his amazing work organizing group communications related to the Monticello Tritiated Water Leak and funneling the vast talents and ideas in the government team into action-focused subcommittees. Check out the Q&A below to learn more about Philip and his interest in nuclear!

Q: When did you first get into nuclear advocacy, and why?

“My advocacy has its roots in addressing climate change. In my individual exploration of technological solutions, I was drawn toward the unfulfilled promises of atomic power. The more an individual studies climate models and warming predictions, the worse and more difficult the problem appears. In contrast, the more I learned about nuclear energy technologies, the more viable they looked. For certain, there are real and, as of yet, unresolved challenges to this energy source. But importantly, these obstacles are largely a function of human systems, not physical laws. I joined Generation Atomic in 2019 because I wanted to participate in this movement and felt I had skills to share.”

Q: What has been one of your favorite moments as a nuclear advocate?

“While I am certainly proud of many of the advocacy victories we have had in the legislative realm, my greatest personal moments have been in the opportunities I have had to work with students. In my experience, unlike the engrained skepticism of older generations, many youths respond to learning about nuclear power with wonder and optimism.”

Q: What hopes do you have for the future of nuclear energy?

“I believe that in the long term, physics wins — I suspect that humanity will meet most of its energy needs using nuclear sources within a century or two. I hope this transition can be accomplished promptly and justly, lifting everyone equally.”

Thank you to Philip and all our volunteers for their hard work.

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