John Greenwood of Davis-Besse on Volunteering with Generation Atomic

It’s hard to believe it was just March when I found myself in the Small City Taphouse in Sandusky, OH. This group was blowing through on the

Written by John Greenwood

December 18, 2017

I have always had a curiosity for politics and I passed on my two cents that afternoon — at least what I thought I knew. I concluded with what I considered the routine thing you do with activists  and said, “You guys should…” and a list of suggestions. To my surprise, they started calling me back:

“Hey John, you know how you said we should…. Can you….?”

And that is why I think everyone should volunteer for Generation Atomic: because your efforts make a difference. 

John helping to lead a “Contact your Legislator Day” at Davis-Besse

Whether it’s tabling at an event, making a call to a legislator, or writing a guest-post (like this one) for the Gen A blog, any time and talent given — big or small — is always deeply appreciated by the staff at Generation Atomic.

Myself, I felt drawn to get more and more involved. Everytime I would call Gen A, any suggestion was met with “Let’s see what we can do.” I was part of the team, and there was no idea too crazy.

Hundred-person rally at a local brewery? — No problem.

Over 300 at a symposium at the State House in Columbus?

— Gen A ran the logistics on 24 hours notice.

Nuclear: What it means in Ohio, an event at the OH statehouse spearheaded by John Greenwood.

Can we get postcards and phone scripts for the plants? — We had an event up in three days… and bought lunch.

My personal favorite is the origin story of the first-ever car show at a nuclear site: The Davis-Besse Nuclear Safety Day. That day doesn’t happen without Tay geeking out with Tonia Hatcher about beer coozies at county fairs. Tonia was a force of nature for three months gathering support and building that event, she just wouldn’t take no for an answer — and we always had her back.

And that is what it means when I say to “volunteer” for Gen A. Picking up a call or answering an email when an opportunity comes your way — and having someone there on the other end of the line or to answer an email when you have an idea or need help. That’s why I think everyone should sign up as a Gen A volunteer, you can right here.

I look around at this time of year and am very thankful. I see my two little girls playing together and am reminded how lucky they are that they will have each other as friends, co-princesses, conspirators, and sisters so they never have to get in trouble alone. This year, I did and said a lot more in defense of atomic energy than I previously thought possible. Now I know how much more there is to do. What has made this all fun for me is that I haven’t had to risk going it alone — the guys at Gen Atomic have been right there shoulder to shoulder with me, and you can be too– sign up to be a Gen A volunteer here.